Biop Medical has developed a revolutionary hybrid/modular device for cervical cancer screening and diagnosis.
The device is comprised of the following components:
Biop's control unit
Biop's Digital Colposcope unit
Biop's Micro Colposcope Probe unit with a single-use, disposable cover
Dedicated computer with a proprietary software
Dedicated tripod (optional)
The Device and its Hybrid Operation

Biop Digital Colposcope Device, placed on a dedicated tripod
The Biop’s Micro- Colposcope Probe unit captures a macro-image of the cervix, using its macro-camera, before being brought to contact with the cervix. After contacting the cervix, the high-magnification camera scans the cervix and obtains high-resolution, high-magnification images within a radius of 11mm around the external os, which serves as the center of the scan.
This high-resolution data is then processed by a dedicated software that improves the image quality using common image enhancement methods, such as illumination field artifact removal and contrast enhancement.
The high-magnification images obtained by the probe unit are then registered with the panoramic images obtained by the Digital Colposcope unit (see registration details below). In addition, the high-magnification images are tiled into a single image of the entire scanned area, which s free of optical aberrations or tiling artifacts.

Biop's Micro-Colposcope Probe unit Output
Images generated by the digital colposcope – part of a panoramic image of the cervix along with registered images of magnified regions acquired by the micro colposcope probe unit
Ongoing Development
Biop Medical's revolutionary solution, which is currently under development, will combine a standard digital colposcope with advanced imaging and non-imaging technologies implemented in the form of a standard vaginal transducer.
The Biop's system will integrate a number of optical approaches to detect pre cancerous and cancerous lesion.
These approaches include light scattering patterns, chromaticity mapping, intensity calculations, and macro and micro imaging which are combined and analyzed by Biop’s proprietary algorithm.
Biop system will isolate over 100 optical features which will be used as an input for Biop's algorithm for further analysis. Biop’s software could then create a color image highlighting high risk areas.
These highlighted areas could assist the physicianto select biopsy sites, resulting in improved sample collection and more accurate detection.